A Journey of Discovery and Healing
“Starting with paint or clay…. forms emerge, disappear, transform and ultimately become clearly defined as a painting or sculpture. Each piece demands a unique attention to detail until it is complete.”
I first experienced “expressive painting” in a weeklong workshop under the big sky of New Mexico. Over the first two days…. using tempera and paper taped to the wall…. the 6 foot by 8 foot painting, “In The Beginning” emerged….. all of the colors of the rainbow spiraling and filling the canvas. I have been painting ever since with acrylic or oil, but there is always tempera, paper, and a wall ready for painting.
As a former potter clay has always been near at hand. From my first exploration of a god/goddess form that became Rex Umbia to my current swirls, spirals and carvings, clay always surprises and excites me. By letting go of expectation, the clay tells me where to start, what to do and when to stop.
Helen's first sculpture
"in The Beginning"
Over many years I have been exploring the creative process. What I did not know at the beginning was that creating something outside of myself could lead to a powerful inner healing. For me the hours at the wheel, painting and sculpting are truly a personal contemplative practice. The forms emerge from color, clay, line, form…. “Like a living dream, coming through me and healing me”.
Contact Information
Email Helen
Helen Kaufman
Eugene, OR
(845) 706-3207